Printmaker, painter, textile artist

Truth or Consequences

7x7 is an online publication that invites one artist and one writer to engage in a new kind of interdisciplinary collaboration. In January of 2016, writer Maura Roosevelt and I traded images and text back and forth over a period of two weeks, improvising an unfolding story together. The result was a manic and funny image-text piece on the American West, artistic practice, game shows, and the space race.

Read the digital book on 7x7.

Truth or Consequences: Day 1

Truth or Consequences: Day 1

Collage, pen and ink, gouache on paper.

Truth or Consequences: Day 3

Truth or Consequences: Day 3

Pen and ink, collage on paper.

Truth or Consequences: Day 5

Truth or Consequences: Day 5

Pen and ink, collage on paper.

Truth or Consequences: Day 7

Truth or Consequences: Day 7

Photo, pen and ink, collage on paper.

Truth or Consequences: Day 9

Truth or Consequences: Day 9

Pen and ink, collage on paper.

Truth or Consequences: Day 11

Truth or Consequences: Day 11

Photograph, collage, pen and ink on paper.

Truth or Consequences: Day 13

Truth or Consequences: Day 13

Pen and ink on black paper.